Frequently Asked Questions
Events Table
How do I make an event?
Go to the events tab on the side bar. Click the green "Add Event" button and fill out the form.
How do I edit an event?
Go to the events tab on the side bar. Select an event from the table and click the blue "Edit Event" button. Fill out the section of the form you want to edit.
How do I delete an event?
Go to the events tab on the side bar. Select an event from the table and click the red "Delete Event" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove an event.
How do I archive events?
Go to the events tab on the side bar. Click the orange "Archive All Events" button to archive events currently in its table.
How do I make an event from an existing preset event?
Go to the events tab on the side bar. Select an event from the table you want to create a new event from. Click the light blue "Add Event from Existing Preset" button to create a new event from an existing one. The form page will be automatically filled in with the event you have selected as a preset.
How do I generate a QR code for an event?
Go to the events tab on the side bar. Select an event and click the blue "QR Code" button.
How do I view an event?
Go to the events table on the side bar. Select an event and click the green "View Event" button.
How do I print the table?
Go to the events table on the side bar. Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain event, click those events and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every event in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
Participants Table
How do I add a participant?
Go to the events table on the side bar. Select an event and click the green "View Event" button. Click the green "Add Participant" button and fill out the form.
How do I edit the attendance of a participant?
Go to the events table on the side bar. Select an event and click the green "View Event" button. Select a participant and click the blue "Edit Attendance" button and select either "Yes" or "No".
How do I delete a participant?
Go to the events table on the side bar. Select an event and click the green "View Event" button. Select a participant from the table and click the red "Delete Participant" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove a participant.
How do I print the table?
Go to the events table on the side bar. Select an event and click the green "View Event" button. Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain participant, click those participants and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every participant in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
Materials Table
How do I add a material?
Go to the materials tab on the side bar and click "View Materials". Click the green "Add Materials" button and fill out the form.
How do I edit a material?
Go to the materials tab on the side bar and click "View Materials". Select a material from the table and click the blue "Edit Material" button. Fill out the section of the form you want to edit.
How do I delete a material?
Go to the materials tab on the side bar and click "View Materials". Select a material from the table and click the red "Delete Material" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove a material.
How do I view a material?
Go to the materials table on the side bar. Select a material and click the green "View Material" button.
How do I print the table?
Go to the materials table on the side bar. Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain material, click those materials and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every material in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
News Table
How do I add an article?
Go to the news tab on the side bar. Click the green "Add Article" button and fill out the form.
How do I edit an article?
Go to the news tab on the side bar. Select an article from the table and click the blue "Edit Article" button. Fill out the section of the form you want to edit.
How do I delete an article?
Go to the news tab on the side bar. Select an article from the table and click the red "Delete Article" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove an article.
How do I view an article?
Go to the news table on the side bar. Select an article and click the green "View Article" button.
How do I print the table?
Go to the news table on the side bar. Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain article, click those articles and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every article in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
Campus Resources Table
How do I add a campus resource link?
Go to the campus resource tab on the side bar. Click the green "Add Resource Link" button and fill out the form.
How do I edit a campus resource link?
Go to the campus resource tab on the side bar. Select a resource link from the table and click the blue "Edit Resource Link" button. Fill out the section of the form you want to edit.
How do I delete a campus resource link?
Go to the campus resource tab on the side bar. Select a resouce link from the table and click the red "Delete Resource Link" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove a resource link.
How do I print the table?
Go to the campus resource table on the side bar. Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain campus resource, click those resources and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every resource in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
How do I view graphs
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Graphs".
Material Requests Table
How do I add a request?
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Requests". Click the green "Add Requests" button and fill out the form.
How do I resolve a request?
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Requests". Click the blue "Edit Resolved" button and fill out the form.
How do I delete a request?
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Requests". Select a request from the table and click the red "Delete Request" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove a request.
How do I print the table?
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Requests". Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain request, click those requests and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every request in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
Issues Table
How do I add an issue?
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Issues". Click the green "Add Issues" button and fill out the form.
How do I resolve an issue?
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Issues". Click the blue "Edit Resolved" button and fill out the form.
How do I delete an issue?
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Issues". Select an issue from the table and click the red "Delete Issue" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove a issue.
How do I print the table?
Go to the reports tab on the side bar and click "View Issues". Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain issue, click those issues and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every issue in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
Users Table
How do I add a user?
Go to the users tab on the side bar. Click the green "Add User" button and fill out the form.
How do I delete a user?
Go to the users tab on the side bar. Select a user from the table and click the red "Delete User" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove a user.
How do I print the table?
Go to the users tab on the side bar. Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain user, click those users and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every user in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
Admins Table
How do I add an admin?
Go to the admins tab on the side bar. Click the green "Add Admin" button and fill out the form.
How do I edit access levels of an admin?
Go to the admins tab on the side bar. Click the blue "Edit Access Levels" button and fill out the form.
How do I delete an admin?
Go to the admins tab on the side bar. Select a admin from the table and click the red "Delete Admin" button. Type "Delete" to permanently remove a admin.
How do I print the table?
Go to the admins tab on the side bar. Click the purple "Print Table" button to print the entire table. To print a certain admin, click those admins and then click the "Print Table" button. To print the table with the full descriptions, select every admin in the table and then click the "Print Table" button.
Table Tips and Tricks
How do I select a row?
In order to select a row on a table, simply left click on it. If the row is selected, it will be highlighted in a light green color. A row must be selected in order to perform a certain functionality (EDIT, DELETE, etc).
How do I select multiple rows?
Select multiple rows by holding CTRL and then left clicking.
Select a whole range of rows by left clicking a row, then holding SHIFT and clicking another row. The whole range of rows will be highlighted in a light green color.